The best albums of 2008

2008 has been a great year for music. All kinds of music, as you will see by my very eclectic top 20 list below! If you are interested in hearing or buying the albums below, click the CD image for the amazon link(shameless, I know!).

1 Santogold - Santogold

2 Portishead - Third

3 Costanza - Sonic Diary

4 Martha Wainwright - I Know You're Married But I Got Feelings Too

5 Joan as Police Woman - To Survive

6 Flaming Lips - Christmas on Mars

7 Deerhunter - Microcastle

8 Bloc Party - Intimacy

9 Muscles - Guns, Babes, Lemonade

10 The Kills - Midnight Boom

11 Hot Chip - Made in the Dark

12 Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours

13 My Brightest Diamond - A Thousand Shark's Teeth

14 Tapes 'n Tapes - Walk It Off

15 Sia - Some People Have Real Problems

16 Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip - Angles

17 Loose Salute - Tuned to Love

18 Squarepusher - Just A Souvenir

19 Flight Of The Conchords - Flight Of The Conchords

20 Ava Leigh - Rollin' (this got pushed back to 2009 but my 2008 copy still rules!)

I have reviewed a lot of these CDs this year and the reviews can be found here and on Culture Deluxe.

Now go over to Culture Deluxe to see our group list of the top 100 of 2008!!

A new mix will be up by the end of the weekend, just FYI!!



Lorraine saidā€¦
This is a great list! And the fact that I recognized most of the artists/tracks gave me hope that maybe I'm not so old & out of the loop after all? Or perhaps great minds really do think alike.

Have a great Holiday honey.

Oh by the way, can you offer some bloggy html assistance? Do you have the powers? ;)


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