The Teenagers - Reality Check
After becoming a fan of their numerous remixes (and in particular the remix of their track 'Homecoming ' by Guns N Bombs), I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Myspace and blog darlings 'The Teenagers' long player 'Reality Check'.
Upon hearing the album I feel that 'The Teenagers' are yet another band that I don't think were ready to release a full album. While having catchy pop medleys and innuendos and lyrics that would make Serge Gainsbourg proud, 'The Teenagers' album really doesn't have much else to offer. Most fans of the current electro-pop craze will probably eat the album up. I am usually one of those fans but I tend to like a bit more development and variety in my artists. Song's like the blogtastic 'Starlett Johansson' and 'Homecoming' stand out but not by much. There are some gems like 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Sunset Beach' and 'Love No' (their third single out March 10th) that delve into shoegaze territory (I think 'The Teenagers should do a strictly shoegaze album, but that's just me) but the rest of the album just sounds the same. There are a few tracks that I will listen to again but the rest of the album is very forgettable.
'The Teenagers' suffer from the all too common over-hype machine. Sometimes the hype is well deserved (like with the Justice album) but this is not one of those cases. If you like dreamy cheese electro-pop and love your lyrics to be nonsensical and somewhat dirty, then you should be very happy with 'Reality Check'. As for me, I think I will wait for the inevitable remix album.
6 out of 10