dEUS - Vantage Point

In case you didn't know, besides making great beer, Belgians also make great music. Particularly the Belgian three piece dEUS. 'Vantage point' is the fifth album from the Belgian band and it, just like good beer, is a joy to imbibe.

The album starts off with 'When She Comes Down' a song that sounds a bit like The Afghan Wigs and Tricky doing Country music. 'Oh Your God' has guitars and heavy drums that make me think of Ride from their Tarantula days and spoken word vocals that are often similar to something Lou Reed would do. 'Favorite Game' goes grunge with dark guitars and a very catchy, chanted chorus.

'Slow', featuring vocals from The Knife's Karin Dreijer Andersson, is one of my favorite tracks on the album. It's full of Damon Alburn sounding vocals and beautiful instrumental interludes. It then goes into a very somber chant like chorus ""We slept through a million years/ Lived through a million fears.". Truly one of the high points of the album.

'The Architect', with a multi voiced chorus, is the most pop sounding song on the album and in my opinion should be their next single. Smokers Reflect is another gentle reflective song that would be a great soundtrack for a Sunday morning drive. 'Popular Culture', the albums last track, has a similar uplifting sound to The Polyphonic Spree. It's filled with a sing along chorus featuring a children's choir and ends on a blissful high note.

This is a very good album and if you have never heard dEUS before, this would be a great way to get to know the band.

8 out of 10.


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