Introducing ... the RVMPD2 project

Elite force is back with a very interesting project.

In his own words....

"Introducing ... the RVMPD2 project, a peaktime excursion through Elite Forceā€™s unique record bag taking in artists as diverse as Primal Scream, Skrillex, Chemical Brothers, Zoo Brazil, Thomas Bangalter, Basement Jaxx & evenAdele.

This seamless blend takes us into heads down territory for a run of superlative cuts reassembling recent clubbing history into a whole that effortlessly transcends the sum of its parts. Dissecting elements of Flux Pavillion, Stanton Warriors, Doctor P, Umek, Muse & Nero and assimilating them into a world of fierce subs, cavernous beats and incessant leads, before stitching them back together with consummate ease.
In all sixty-two mash-ups have made their way into Elite Forceā€™s sets since the advent of ā€˜Revampedā€™, with 19 of these making the final ā€˜RVMPD2ā€™ mix. We can now reveal that almost all of these tracks will be available as *FREE DOWNLOADS* with one new track being added each Tuesday from the official download page, launching TODAY and running well into June!"

Check out the making of "The RVPMPD2" album below.

Download them all HERE!!!


Elite Force Website!


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