Scratch Bandits Crew

Fresh and forward thinking experimental Hip-hop from France.
In their own words...
"The Scratch Bandits Crew is a new approach to scratching; Supa-Jay, Geoffresh and Syr are three hip-hop pirates who love to sail strange seas.
No samples from dusty old vinyls; these three scratch explorers really do write their own tracks. They play or get played the sounds they want to use, and from that they dive into the construction of their original compositions.
They also play with voices, soul, hip-hop or funk, making surrealist collages outlining tall tales.
The Scratch Bandits marry analogue and digital, acoustic and electronic in their own unique musical signature.
And at the other end of the anchor chain, they also develop their own personal scratch tools: extraordinary inventions like the scratch guitar and the darbuka-lamp, or even the lunar scratch, a prototype “scratch controlled instrument” which is the only one of its kind in the world. Then there are new electronic stringed instruments which transform shows into hybrid, mutant events."
This is slick and groovy as hell!