My Top Albums Of 2016 Part 3

Here are the last 20 in alphabetical order. I've listed the album name and then a track that represents the album.
Enjoy, I did!
Phoria - Volition
Rival Sons - Hollow Bones
Russian Circles - Guidance
Shook - Continuum
Silvertooth Loos & The Witch - Witch Music
Steve Roach - This Place To Be
SULK - No Illusions
The Bongolian - Moog Maximus
THE EYE OF TIME - Myth I A Last Dance for the Things We Love
The Lower 48 - Hot Fool
The Saxophones - If you're on the water (an EP but it's great!!)
The Wave Pictures - Bamboo Diner In The Rain
Tides From Nebula - Safehaven
Utah Jazz - The Music Factory
Vinyl Williams - Brunei
Voices from Deep Below - This Place Will Raise Up
Warpaint - Heads Up
Wild Belle - Dreamland
William Ryan Fritch - New Words for Old Wounds
Yung Bae - Bae 2
I expect that 2017 will have loads of surprising and exciting sounds. I also hope to share them with you.